martes, 26 de octubre de 2010

Disfraces muy originales para Halloween - Cool kids Halloween costumes

Ya se acerca la fecha de Halloween y tenemos que pensar como disfrazamos a nuestros hijos. Ellos disfrutan de esta fiesta y en Pottery Barn podemos encontrar una gama impresionante de disfraces de Halloween de distintos tamaños . Los precios oscilan entre $30 y $ 60. Los mostramos algunos modelos

Halloween is very soon so probably it’s time to think about your kids cloth. They all enjoy this holiday and you can make it even better. Pottery Barn offers awesome range of kids halloween costumes and we chose 10 best of them for you. These costumes come in different sizes, are stuffed with polyester padding and sewn of fleece with cotton lining for warmth and comfort. Headpieces that come with costumes are separated and designed to make it easy for kids too see. The price range for these costumes is from $30 to $60. It isn’t much to make your kid look great on the Halloween.


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